I might seem to be nonchalant but I m not!!
"gham-e-intezar se humein koi shikva nhin,bas tumhare chehre ka deedar ho jaye,
aansuon ka dariya hum baha denge sanam,bas tumhein humse pyaar ho jaye "

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A vis-a-vis with the electronic city !!!

It so sometime happens that you want to give a start ,you have an idea, but when it gets to immortalizing it, you grow numb. No wonder I am going through the same phase currently. I am here, in a new world, its Bangalore, a city of dreams for software professionals, and unfortunately I was one of those.
It was 28th of may 2010 I first landed in Bangalore and was supposed to reside at the Didi's for the remaining,supposedly, thrilling days.I hired an auto rickshaw and it went through.I was exploring the city bathed in one of its evenings.
Give one free look at it and you would find it booming and glazing much as the evenings of Diwali in our part of the world.Deep within,it saddened me,enough to exist till today.I don't know what had hit me but to me it seemed all so mechanical.The auto-wala was like honey sweetened with sugar,the mobile phone stuck at the top floor of every walking robot,who,I dont know how,was programmed with a bug of 'smile'.This 'smile' didn't come off the cause of the instant,rather was incessant.And if they say I am getting isolated ,so it may be.Because for me,life is to smile for a reason and to cry for another.I need to have all of them in my life,may it be smiles,sniffles or sobs,only they may have a reason to reside.

Only today,I was watching the movie 'Swades'.I know ,you,dear reader,would have liked it as much as I have,and might have verily questioned yourself when SRK was being interrogated for the same,but what is it and why is it that you keep yourself at bay ? Really,just question yourself,are the riches worth them ?What 'is' there in that 'FORUM' mall after all? Faces that haven't greeted well since there Bangalorian formations,isn't it ? Faces which would pass unnoticed until you question their status.Faces that would unbind the self within, when you pass for an equally mechanical objective! Whooopsss! Impossible,really it is to call this world real.Computers have only been created to the extent of the virtual memory concept,but whooooooo we have virtual faces here!!!
Terrible it is to watch India fade.We had a culture,to foster love,greet the elderlies,and respect lay in the essence of shame and reservedness!! Forget the emotions,even the words are obsolete now.I am not,in any way,disregarding the fact that India should,in time and thus fashion stick to the old,no!! Its just that the essence should be felt.It should be like a distant aroma from the garden of roses,the obvious raindrops at the apex of hilltop,that should always be persistent.we cannot afford to loose these things,which have guaranteed the existence of mankind,cultures and religions throughout the expanse of time.
The race has begun to better the average I.Q. levels among the people.Recently have I read,how they are coming up with the ideas to enhance the working memory,which corresponds to the sharpness and intelligence ofa person.All said and well done!! But why are the needs never fulfilled? Why has the lust for more ever been so very dominating? Why is shrieking in the face of cool winds on a cloudy day so uncouth ?Why is being human so unnatural?It has begun,a race of human against human.Now the nature of war is not between continents,not between countries or states,it has rather broken down to the level of people in neighborhood,who fight and compete to dominate.Gone are the days when people visited one another frequently to offer friendship ,love and faith.Now apartments of 3 by 4 are being divided as 12 individual flats,each one for itself.The war for survival has just begun and you,if dont pass for "sanity",better begin getting smarter soon ,or get ready to be probed by highly prioritized intellectuals,if at all you are worthy enough to befit the standards of machines,or less ,the spare parts.If no , bbye Tommy,find a place on Mars! Mother Earth has forgotten yet another child of hers,and itz time for you to leave..


  1. gud 1 bro...bt u sound bit confused.....bangalore phobia or mania i guesss

  2. good one..bitter truth of Bangalore
