An 8 year old German Christian child (our C-boy) gets an old tutor,Herr Lizst,who is replacing his books of childish adventures with the current ADVENTURES that the boy's father and his fellowmen are in the pursuit of.He stands as a respectably ranked soldier who has been offered a task for his Fatherland ,to reinstate the credibility of his nation.
Well,as for the boy,as we all have been,it was a total bore,he hardly caught anything while her sister,12, enticed by the charm of another Herr WHO I don't know, was hallucinated with her inheritance.
Now,what if u have all the luxuries in the world and no one to share it with? Only your mind knows it is luxuries before u,then ask your heart.And then what do u expect of an 8 yr old child??Same did happen.But much before the monotone had succumbed him in its glutton,his only hobby,exploring,took him far into what he called "farms" and his father "camps".It was a child in there,a boy,in striped pyjamas,on the outskirts of the "farm",now 8 too,encamped by electrically wired fences, a Jew( our J-boy).
The drama begins in them meeting every other day to discuss of their lives.However lonely they were,they didn't complain of any,it were just facts for them,may be they needed to have a bit more of experience to note that point.Our C-boy used to steal some food from his place for his only friend and our J-boy,used to tell how his father was once a watch-maker and now worked with shoes in the camp.
And then one day,out of wonder,the J-boy appeared at the C-boy's place.He was helped in as there lay a vacancy for someone with "tiny fingers" to take care of the glass utensils,to polish them.The C-boy felt happy finding his friend about,and went along to talk to him of his late.Then knowing it,he offered him a sandwitch or a cookie,I know not,that was just leisurely laying about.And as soon as he took a bite,our Herr WHO walked in and inquired of his guts to have to eat the cream of the kings!! The J-boy confidently spoke of their friendship and told him how he came about that.The C-boy couldn't hold his nerve and spoke that it was the first time he had seen him and as soon as he entered,he saw the J-boy helping himself.He was then asked to leave and the J-boy later too ,only a bit more distorted.
It could be thought as an end to friendship,but as I said,they had to had a little more experience. The conscience in the C-boy kept appealing him,his tears told everything.Everyday he whirled to the farm,only to find another place of solitude,when his heart sank and he sinking back to his place,when one day,he reappeared,and forgave him on the C-boy's plead of guilt.
It was the day when the C-boy was about to leave his town,he went to the J-boy to help him find out his missing PAPA,the only way he thought to put up with his last failure in the face of friendship. He dressed himself up in the same striped pyjamas ,as the jews there,but,unfortunately, was asked to strip off his clothes by his father's men and was taken to that boiler which followed up to that chimney he had always seen from far,where he in his last moments realized was not the one where they dumped the non-living trash,but the human counterparts,the jews. But to tell u,he never left those tiny fingers!!
His people kept telling him ,not to get past that back door which eventually led to the farm of his.He never listened.He was incessantly being borne-in the idea that JEWS were his enemies,he never listened,but looked that through his optimistic scale,to find if their could be "nice" jews as well, who did not contaminate the C-culture.Well he failed,didn't he,the devil was right there in the J-boy,oh what an idiot.Now,if u people accept this angle,dont read past ahead,itz the end of my views for u,but for my friends,continue..
The C-boy was not there for no reason.He failed in the barbarian idea of the division of humanity ,into sect and cultures, but he passed as human.At the age of 8, he analyzed how very same that 8-yr old J-boy was, as he was. How he was not contaminating cultures ,how he was just a poor kid with a number on him to be identified , how he devoured the little pieces of chocolates he brought for him,and how in his innocence knew not to play with the ball,as it could have been "dangerous",how he could forgive him after being torn at his eyes,how his voice diminished on the idea of parting from him.Yes,I believe this was human.He paid his price for the little felony that he had made in the face of his friendship in the form of his life,but he, till the last, did not leave the J-boy's hand, it was a promise he looked to keep,and see how keep he did,didn't he??
I might seem to be nonchalant but I m not!!
"gham-e-intezar se humein koi shikva nhin,bas tumhare chehre ka deedar ho jaye,
aansuon ka dariya hum baha denge sanam,bas tumhein humse pyaar ho jaye "
"gham-e-intezar se humein koi shikva nhin,bas tumhare chehre ka deedar ho jaye,
aansuon ka dariya hum baha denge sanam,bas tumhein humse pyaar ho jaye "
At tyms the unexpected happns in happnd with the J-boy.